Being Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence

Woman covering her face in fear of domestic violence

If you have been accused of domestic violence, it can be a long road to clear your name and to move on. Because of the nature of the crime, it can be difficult to absolve yourself of the accusation, even if you are found not guilty in a court of law. This can manifest in the attitudes of those around you, including your children and family members, but can also have negative consequences outside of your personal relationships.

Dangers at Work

In addition to workplace discrimination often perpetrated against the victims of domestic violence (ie: being penalized for needing to see a doctor or go to a specialist, without prior notice), if you are accused of domestic violence and have to go to court, you may not be excused from work for court dates. There have also been instances when a person who is accused of domestic abuse is fired, ostensibly for other reasons, but on the heels of the charge that is difficult to overcome. . Of course, sharing the details of your accusation with your supervisor may not be advisable either, as he or she may be inclined to believe you are guilty by default, often making your problem even worse.

Dangers in Other Areas

The negative effects of a domestic violence claim against you can extend well beyond the social consequences. You may also stand to lose parental rights and be subject to having to take classes or pay fines, all as the result of allegations that have yet to be proven.

Be Aware

When you are worried that your partner may accuse you of domestic violence, you should begin to speak with family members and loved ones as soon as possible. Take steps to protect your valuables, including changing the passwords to any websites or logins that access personal information. In many cases of domestic violence, a so-called victim will send threatening messages on behalf of the alleged perpetrator to herself or withdraw money from shared accounts in an effort to manufacture evidence. Securing your sensitive information and accounts can help to mitigate this possibility.

If you or someone you know has been wrongly accused of domestic violence, it is imperative to immediately seek the counsel of a legal professional. The longer you wait, the more devastating the case can become. Contact an experienced Santa Clara County criminal defense attorney today.


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